Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So let me briggidy-break down my tues/thurs night class. The first day I walk in, immediately noticing a lack of foxy ladies, and encounter a nightmare from my childhood. Sitting on the opposite side of the room is a guy who looks eerily like Soda Popinski. If you're not familiar with "Punch Out" for the NES I've provided a picture. But wait, there's more! I quickly realized that this guy spoke a little too loudly for my taste and seemed to choose the oddest topics for conversation. It took me about an hour to finally realize the guy is autistic, making my previous ideas of him being intentionally annoying a little cruel. Makes you wonder why he chose a history major though... he can spit out dates like it's no one's business, but I've found that he has a lot of trouble writing anything involving analysis. It makes me wonder if he gets any lowered class requirements since it's a state funded school. I've added a video depicting a classmate getting frustrated with him after 10 or so minutes of conversation.

I miss the 90s

Simpler times... why can't you be mines?

First up: Cardigans - Lovefool
If you say you don't like this song then you're lying

Second: Everclear - Father of Mine
Always good to go back to the Everclear CDs and bottles on occasion.

Thirdly: The Presidents of the USA - Peaches
Whenever someone says anything close to 90 this is the first image that comes to my mind.

I realize I never post in this blog and there's probably only one person who will read this (you know who you are), but I feel that a record of some sort should be kept of my adventures for... you know, the post-fallout and all.

Landgnoll out!